Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Key lime pie

It's really, really cold in Chicago. Temperatures are below 0°C for the past few days. Tonight's real feel is expected to be -31. I love winter, and I love snow, but now its brutally cold, and I need not just comfort food, but something that will remind me of summer. I made this pie somewhere in July and it was hidden in my draft folder for a while. But it screams summer to me, and I had to post it now, and make my day sunnier. Its tart, refreshing, creamy, and its my picks me up dessert every time I have it.
Its a classic although I made it with graham cracker crust, and probably many of you have this recipe in their mothers and grandmothers handwritten notebooks. But I love it, and I need it in my virtual notebook. Especially today in this freezing cold.

For the crust:
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
4 tablespoons powder sugar
4 tablespoons melted butter

Preheat oven to 350F/180C
Mix graham crackers with powder sugar and melted butter. Press firmly into pie pan. Bake it for 15 min, or until crust starts browning. Remove from oven and cool.

For the custard:
2 cans sweetened condensed milk (396 gr each)
3/4 cup lime juice
6 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla
grated organic lime peel (two limes or to your taste)
Whisk together sweetened condensed milk, lime juice, lime peel and egg yolks, vanilla. Pour into cooled pie shell, and bake it for 20-25 min at 350F. The edges should be set, and the center should jiggle slightly. Remove from the oven and cool for 2 hours. Serve it with whipped cream, and imagine you are in Florida ;)


  1. Ljljo, treba da otvoris jednu poslasticarnicu, mislim da bi ih tamo sve rasturila... kakve ti divote pravis!:)))

    1. Lana, kako ti mene obradujes svaki put kad se javis ;*
      Poslasticarnica bi mi bas legla, samo se brinem sta bi sa kilazom bilo :))))

  2. Tako mi je drago da si nastavila sa pisanjem bloga. I da ćemo se družiti u ovim blogerskim vodama, u kojima sam i sama nova. Oduvek su mi tvoje delicije bile pojam savršenog, i slažem se sa Lanom, zamišljam te kako vodiš neku prefinjenu poslastičarnicu! :9 A ova limun pita, savršena, a kakva bi mogla biti od tebe! :o)

    1. Boby, hvala puno. I meni je drago da si ti tu, tvoje su torte izvrsne. Onu jos uvek ne mogu da zaboravim. Nadam se da ces staviti recept na blog.
      Hvala ti sto si svratila, puno te pozdravljam :)

  3. Jao -31 , to se zove zima ! I vjerujem da ti je trebalo nešto ljetno i sunčano i zato je ova pita odlična ! Inače sam ljubitelj ovakvih pita, a ova mi posebno dobro zvuči i izgleda !

    1. Branka, ja volim zimu, ali ovo je bilo grozno. Plakalo mi se od hladnoce. Taj je talas prosao, napadao nam je sneg, pa se lakse dise. Sad se vrtimo oko nule.
      Pitica je za obozavaoce limuna, bas intenzivnog ukusa. Leti savrseno pase, mada je ni zimi ne bi odbila :))

  4. Fantastično! Slike su prelepe zaista! Jedino mi se ne svidja ta temperatura ....brrrrr ja tamo ne bi preživela sigurno!

  5. Hvala :)))
    Ne svidja se u poslednje vreme ni meni, mada sam mislila da volim zimu. Sad bi u toplije krajeve :)))
    Pozdrav Suzana :*
