Saturday, November 9, 2013

Angel Food Cupcakes

Its been a really long time since I posted my last recipe. Few years now. During that time, many things happened, many things changed, and it influenced the way I cook. Mostly, I was concentrating on desserts, but from now on, I will also share with you savory recipes that i like. I hope you will enjoy your visit, and find something good to bake. Thanks for stopping by :)

Angel Food Cupcakes


6 egg whites
150 gr. caster sugar
50 gr. flour
1 tablespoon shredded coconut
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 350F/180C.
Sift together flour, salt, and half of the sugar.
In a mixing bowl, mix together egg whites and vanilla extract. Start whipping it with the mixer, and when a soft peeks form, start adding sugar slowly. When medium peeks form, sprinkle flour with the sugar over the egg whites, and fold it very gently with the spatula. If you mix vigorously, you will deflate the egg whites.
Divide batter among paper lined muffin cups, and bake for 20 min. Cool completely. 

For cream cheese topping you will need:
226 gr. Philadelphia cream cheese (1 block)
250 ml. heavy whipping cream
50 gr. powder sugar 
1 tablespoon of vanilla
fresh berries for topping

In a mixing bowl, mix softened cream cheese with powder sugar until light and fluffy. Start slowly adding heavy cream, and mix until you get stiff peaks form.
Spread it on cooled cupcakes, and top with berries of your choice. 


  1. Such beautiful pictures, I think the photo work is so perfect...Love the cupcake too...

    1. Thank you Phyllis, I am really glad you like it :)

  2. Lijepo te je vidjeti da si opet aktivna i na tvom blogu a slikce sam već škicnula i naa FB.

  3. Draga Ljiljo , jako mi je drago što si ponovno na blogu, baš je dugo vremena prošlo od zadnjeg recepta i meni si nedostajala. Ovi cupcakesi su odlični i veselim se daljnjim receptima i ponovnom druženju ovdje !

    1. Hvala Branka, proslo je 3 godine, ali vidjacemo se cesce od sad :)

  4. Gledam i ne verujem, morala sam dva puta da proverim datum objave:))) Drago mi je da ste ponovo poceli sa objavama i jedva cekam nove stvari:) Prelepi kapkejksi, mmmm...njam.

  5. Draga Ljiljo, nemas pojma koliko sam se obradovala.... welcome back.:)))) Moras nam sada nadoknaditi sve tvoje lepe receptice i zato se brzzzo baci na kuckanje... radujem se vec unapred, kissss:))))

  6. Hvala Lana, i ti si mene puno obradovala jer si se javila. Pusicu ti saljem :*

  7. Dobrodošla ponovo u svet blogera, puno su mi nedostajali tvoji divni recepti i krasne slikice :)

  8. Hvala Jaco, vidjacemo se sada malo cesce :)
