Friday, March 27, 2009

Marzipan rolls / Rolnice sa marcipanom

For the dough you will need:

125 ml  warm milk
4 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon of yeast
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
400 gr flour
100 gr softened butter
1 tablespoon rum
pinch of salt

Combine warm milk and sugar, and sprinkle the yeast over the top. Add 1 tablespoon of flour and let it sit for 5-10 min until it foams. Add egg yolk and egg and whisk until well blended. Stir in the pinch of salt, flour and knead on on low speed for 2 min. Increase the speed and knead for 1 min. Add soft butter, 1 tablespoon at the time, allowing each addition to blend in before adding the next. Decrease the speed an knead for 5-6 min longer, until the dough is soft and silky.
Transfer the dough into the buttered bowl, and cover with plastic wrap. Let it rise until doubled. 
You can punch down the dough and refrigerate overnight, and just roll it out in the morning. 

For the filling:
150 gr almond paste
4 tablespoons sugar
2 lemon juice
80 gr butter
dried cranberries, raisins, chopped apricots 

Cut out almond  paste, and place it in food predecessor with sugar. Process for 15 seconds, until the almond paste is cut into peaces. Add softened butter and lemon juice. Process for 30 sec longer until the mixture is blended and smooth. It will be very thick. 
Roll out the dough onto a work surface dusted with flour. Don't kneed the dough again. Dust it with flour and roll into an 11x15 inch. Spread the almond filling in a thin layer over the dough, leaving 1-inch border along the long side. Sprinkle dried fruit on top. Roll it into a cylinder, gently tucking as you go.
Roll the dough backwards and pinch it to seal it. Turn the seam to face away from you and cut the dough into 1 1/2 inch intervals. Place peaces in baking pan, but give them enough room to rise. 
Cover them, and let the rise until it is almost doubled in size. Bake at 375F/190C  for 20-25 min. Until golden brown on the top and bottom. Dust them with powder sugar, and enjoy with the coffee. 

Napravila sam ove rolnice jutros za dorucak. Mekane, mirisljave, tople...Bogovski dorucak koji bi valjalo ostaviti za desert uz soljicu kafe.
Recept je bio dosta komplikovan, pa sam ga malo prilagodila ranim jutarnjim satima kada vise volim neke jednostavne stvari. Ispalo je odlicno, odusevljena sam rezultatom.

Za testo
125 ml. toplog mleka
4 kasike secera
1 1/2 kasicica kvasca
1 celo jaje
1 zumance
400 gr. brasna
100 gr. putera
1 kasika ruma
malo naribane limunove korice

Pripremite kvasac sa secerom, toplim mlekom i malo brasna. Ostavite da ispuni solju pa umesite sa preostalim brasnom, jajima, rumom, naribanom limunovom koricom i omeksalim puterom. Dobicete fino, mekano testo. Ostavite na toplom da nadodje, oko 2h.

150 gr. marcipana
4 kasike secera
2 kasike limunovog soka
80 gr. putera
malo suvog voca po vasem izboru

Za nadev, marcipan i secer umutite u procesoru, pa dodajte limunov sok i omeksali puter. Dobicete gustu kremu.
Testo istresite da na dobro podbrasnjenu povrsinu, nemojte mesiti, vec samo rastanjite. Trebali bi da dobijete pravougaonik velicine 27 cm. x 37 cm. Premazite nadevom od marcipana i pospite suvim vocem. Ja sam stavljala malo suvog grozdja, brusnica i suvih borovnica, ali mozete staviti bilo sta sto vam je pri ruci.
Savijte kao strudlu, isecite na svakih 2-3 cm pa poredjajte u pleh i ostavite da nadodje oko sat vremena. Pecite na 190 C dok se ne zarumeni.


  1. I like it A LOT !!!
    yummmy :)

  2. predivne su, tijesto mi se posebno svidja!

  3. Ovo je izvrsno. Još za doručak! Svaka čast!

  4. Pls, may I have the translation for this recipe in English? I don´t know for which reason Google will not translate this page. It says it is in English. Thank you
