Monday, May 11, 2009

Mini tart sa jagodama

Please scroll down for english :)

Fina podloga od prhkog testa napunjena svilenkastim vanil kremom, jagodama i pistacima. Pravi prolecni desert uz koji mozete uzivati i u kombinaciji sa ostalim bobicastim vocem. Jednostavno i lako za napraviti, a uz to ukusno i elegantno.
Recept Ine Garten.

Za prhko testo:

200 gr. brasna
3 kasike secera
100 gr. hladnog putera
65 ml. ledene vode

Pomesajte brasno i secer i stavite u zamrzivac na 20ak minuta. Dodajte hladan puter isecen na komadice i ispulsirajte par puta dok ne dobijete zrncastu smesu. Ulijete ledenu vodu i ispulsirajte ponovo dok se masa ne ujednaci.
Formirajte disk, uvijte u prozirnu foliju i ohladite u frizideru 30ak minuta. Testo ce biti prhkije ukoliko koristite hladne sastojke, samo ga sto manje mesite i radite.

Za kremu:

5 zumanca
150 gr. secera
3 kasike gustina
375 ml. mleka
1 kasika neulupane slatke pavlake (tekuce vrhnje)
1 kasika putera
1 kasicica vanile

Ugrejte mleko a zumanca umutite sa secerom dok ne dobijete svetlu kremastu masu. Dodajte gustin i mutite jos malo. Kutlacom ulijte vruce mleko u kremu od zumanaca i izmesajte dok se smesa ne ujednaci. Ulijte u preostalo mleko i kuvajte neprestano mesajuci zicom. Ne treba kuvati duze od 6-7 minuta jer se gustin dugim kuvanje opusta i krema nece ocvrsnuti.
Sklonite sa ringle, umesajte vanilu, kasiku slatke palvake i kasiku putera. Izmesajte dok se ne ujednaci i pokopljeno hladite da se na kremi ne bi uhvatila korica.
Testo izvadite iz frizidera, podelite na 4 dela i oblozite mini tart plehcice. Izbockajte viljuskom, pokrijte folijom, sipajte pirinac ili pasulj i pecite 10ak minuta na 190C. Testo se pokriva da se ne bi nadulo i da bi se ravnomerno ispeklo. Nakon deset minuta izvadite iz rerne, sklonite foliju sa zrnevljem i pecite jos 20ak minuta dok se fino ne zarumeni.
Ohladjene korpice punite kremom, poslazite narezane jagode i premazite ih lagano dzemom da bi bile sjajne i da bi duze ostale sveze. Pospite sa malo pistaca i posluzite.
Mozete ih praviti i sa malinama, borovnicama ili nekim drugim vocem koje volite.
Ina Garten



1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) cold unsalted butter, diced
2 tablespoons cold shortening (recommended: Crisco)
1/4 cup ice water
2 cups Pastry Cream, recipe follows
2 pints whole strawberries, hulled and halved
1/3 cup apricot jelly
3 tablespoons shelled pistachios, halved, optional

Combine the flour, sugar, and salt in a small bowl and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Put the flour mixture in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Add the butter and shortening and pulse about 10 times, or until the butter is in the size of peas. Add the ice water and process until the dough comes together. Dump on a well-floured board and form into a disk. Wrap in plastic and chill for at least 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Roll out the dough and fit into 4 (4 1/2-inch) tart pans with removable sides. Don't stretch the dough when placing it in the pans or it will shrink during baking. Cut off the excess by rolling the pin across the top of each pan. Line the tart shells with a piece of buttered aluminum foil, butter side down, and fill them with dried beans or rice. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove the beans and foil, prick the bottom of the shells all over with a fork, and bake for another 15 to 20 minutes until lightly browned. Set aside to cool.

Before serving, fill the tart shells with the pastry cream. Arrange the berries decoratively on top of the cream. Melt the apricot jelly with 1 teaspoon of water and brush the top of the tarts. Sprinkle with pistachios, if using, and serve.

Pastry Cream:

5 extra-large egg yolks, room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 1/2 cups scalded milk
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon Cognac
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 tablespoon heavy cream

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the egg yolks and sugar on medium-high speed for 4 minutes, or until very thick. Reduce to low speed, and add the cornstarch.

With the mixer still on low, slowly pour the hot milk into the egg mixture. Pour the mixture into a medium saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the mixture thickens, 5 to 7 minutes. Don't be alarmed when the custard comes to a boil and appears to curdle; switch to a whisk and beat vigorously. Cook, whisking constantly, for another 2 minutes; the custard will come together and become very thick, like pudding. Stir in the vanilla, Cognac, butter, and heavy cream. Pour the custard through a sieve into a bowl. Place plastic wrap directly on the custard and refrigerate until cold.


  1. Prekrasno Ljljo,
    obozavam ovo tijesto,ako se radi kako treba bude prekrasno prhko.
    Savrseno :))

  2. Hello Ljilja! This is such a beautiful and delicious dessert; the presentation as usual,fabulous!I admire you a lot! Congrats!

  3. predivno, predivno... odusevljena sam... :)

  4. Prekrasna dekoracija, i kombinacija. Super izgleda!

  5. Wow, they are looks fabulous! I will try it soon! Greetings, Maria

  6. samo cu jos jedno reci wow! kremica mi je prefina, a fotke fenomenalne!

  7. Che meraviglia il tua blog ...le tue ricette sono strepitose ! Complimenti

  8. Draga Ljilja kao i uvijek savršeno, ukusno i lijepo, hvala na svim tim divnim receptima i na ovom.
    Imam samo jedno pitanje, kod kuhanja kreme kaže da treba "umutiti vanilu", a u sastojcima ne vidim vanilu. Molim te koliko vanile bi trebalo umutiti , prašak ili tekući ekstrakt ? Ovo je vjerovatno mnogima jasno ali ja još uvijek nisam toliko vješta pa radim sve kako piše po receptu pa se nemoj ljutiti što možda gnjavim. Hvala i u očekivanju novih finih recepata :-))

  9. Hvala Branka :)
    U kremu ide jedna kasicica tecne vanile. Odnosno, ja koristim tecnu vanilu, ako je nemas pri ruci, slobodno mozes da dodas kesicu vanil secera, bice sasvim dobro i tako :))
    Nadam se da sam ti pomogla :)

  10. Hello Ljilja!
    This is such a beautiful and delicious dessert

  11. Kako si ih naslagala, meni bi bilo zao da nacnem ovu divotu! Mnogo, mnogo lepo!!!

  12. prekrasno! ovo prhko tijesto obožavam...u kombinaciji s jaodama i laganom krema sigurna sam da je savršeno...

  13. Draga Ljilja, puno hvala za vanilu i pojašnjenje. Naravno da si mi pomogla i puno ti hvala, učim, učim, a uz ovakvog učitelja to i nije teško :-)).

  14. How delicate this tartlet looks! I love strawberry!
